Empowering Professionals to Bring Their Best Selves to Work Every Day

Accelerate professional growth. Gain a competitive edge. Stand out in a crowded workplace. Become the leader you want to be.

Serving individuals, teams, corporations, and more.

Corporate Culture Coaching

Leadership Coaching

Career Coaching


“Lori epitomizes the X Factor toward success and more.”

When those who endeavor to experience our personal best come to the recognition that striving toward excellence requires skillful, dedicated, as well as discerning help, Lori epitomizes the X factor toward success and more. As an Executive Leader/Manager who has led talented workforces of thousands, I have found that she stands amongst the top … Her extraordinary gifting, patience, hard work, attention to detail, willingness to wrestle through various levels of complexity to position her clients to succeed remains remarkable. Lori, unlike most coaches, does it as a calling and passion. I give her the highest recommendation, especially for individuals set on being "standouts".

-Mike, Executive, Non-Profit

Corporate wellness coaching helps you overcome the challenges of navigating the ever-changing workplace

The challenges of navigating the ever-changing workplace and creating or finding a thriving work environment can be overwhelming.

To complicate matters, the current workforce includes 4 generations, all with varying experience, values, expectations, and norms. And then there is the added pressure of having to adapt to emerging technologies, differing workspaces (virtual vs. in-person), and industry trends that change in the blink of an eye.

  • Work days are filled with to-do’s, meetings, and competing priorities, with little time to consider how individuals feel, perform, or get along.

  • The stress of staying competitive and relevant may lead individuals to say less and do more, even if it means that they feel disconnected or unaligned with their work.

  • People struggle to stay engaged when they feel undervalued. Their purpose becomes diluted.

We can bridge the gaps between generations by understanding and accepting diversity, creating a safe place for people to flourish. Professional success will follow. And we will see more individuals bringing their best selves to work every day.

Ready to take action?

Personal development fuels professional success.

Lori Nero Ghosal, Ed.D, founder and CEO of Inner Quest Coaching, an executive, leadership coaching company that empowers professionals to bring their best selves to work every day.

I’m Lori Nero Ghosal, Ed.D., PCC

As the Founder and CEO of INNER QUEST COACHING, I want to welcome you to the world of coaching and share the transformative experience that high-level coaching can bring to each individual and the workplace to create a more human-centered, positive and fulfilling experience of work in your life.

Our 1 on 1 coaching helps fast-track career and workplace growth while facilitating profound self-understanding and interpersonal growth— benefiting the individual employee, the team, and the entire organization.

Our purpose is to guide clients in exploring and understanding themselves in 4 fundamental areas: work and life values, self-awareness and other awareness, personal and professional goals, and skills and abilities.

We don’t stop being human when we go to work.

When individuals understand what motivates and drives them, where their natural strengths lie, and understand those around them, it allows them to bring their best selves to work every day to meet issues directly and overcome obstacles –regardless of their level – employee, emerging leader, leadership, or executive.

And I think we all can agree our work is more than just a job; it’s the activity that sparks our passion and draws on our unique combination of knowledge, skills, interests, and style that only we have, and it has a place of value for others and the world.

We deserve to achieve our aspirations, do work that is fulfilling, and live the life we desire.

With an impeccable track record spanning over 15 years working in corporate, higher education, and non-profit, I have earned recognition for my ability to connect with and create transformational insight with diverse clients, individuals, teams, and organizations, enabling them to reach their goals.

This is my life's work and dream.

INNER QUEST COACHING can help you develop yours.



Institue for social and Emotional Intelligence Certified Coach badge
ICF Professional Certified Coach badge

Do you yearn for work that is more meaningful?


Why Coaching Works

  • Coaching uses a creative, introspective, and thought-provoking process where individuals are supported in identifying big-picture objectives while creating immediate step-by-step goals to guide their progress and stay on track.

  • Coaching is a partnership that facilitates growth and empowers individuals to tap into their potential, improve self-confidence and communication skills, clarify the thought process, and release negative patterns. 

  • A coach's role is to provide guidance, support, opportunity for introspection, and a structured framework to facilitate growth and success through active listening, questioning, and feedback.

  • Through a personalized journey, individuals learn to make choices that align with their innate beliefs, values, and abilities. They see new possibilities and make positive changes in their personal and professional lives. 

  • Coaching improves time management, work performance, and team effectiveness.

Ready to take action?

Our area of expertise — the 4 fundamental areas we focus on

Whether you want to change careers, advance in your current one, create work-life harmony, or create a positive corporate culture as an executive or leader, our methodology paves the way for success from individual employees, to the team, to the entire organization.

Work – Life Values

Identify those values that guide you in all areas of your life to be able to focus them toward your career to feel an alignment of purpose in your work.


Understand your strengths and weaknesses. Improve your communication skills. Learn about your intrinsic motivation and your “hot spots” that hold you back, and discover how to be the best version of yourself.

Goals – Vision

Create a personal vision for your career, including your sense of purpose and leadership. Discover how to combine it with the company mission for success.

Skills – Abilities

Understand, practice, and extend your skills and abilities. You’ll learn to focus on your professional goals to drive results.

Ready to take action?

“Day by day, hour-by-hour, we design our lives. We choose our work, our play, and the people we spend our time with. When you are conscious about how you design your life, you can choose wisely and intentionally.”

– Lori


Ways We Can Work Together 

Improve employee satisfaction and office productivity with executive leadership coaching in North Carolina

Executive - Leadership Coaching

For high potential talent, emerging leaders, executives, and professionals looking for leadership development and to move their career to the next level.

Student ready for career coaching in Research Duram, NC

Career Coaching

For individuals who feel an inner drive to focus their career on a particular purpose - even if they aren’t clear on what that is. Career coaching supports you in designing your purposeful career path by highlighting your values, and honing your natural skills.

Happy and diverse team after corporate coaching in Chapel Hill, NC

Positive Corporate Culture

Discover the possibilities for creating a positive corporate culture, one human at a time.

  • Corporate Culture Transformation

  • CliftonStrengths® Leveraging Talents and Skills

  • Relationship building for Leadership development

University coaching for students, Raleigh, Duram, and Research Triangle Park, NC

University Consulting

Coming soon!

How to Get Started

Are you ready to take action and start your coaching experience?


 Book your 20-minute information call.

We’ll explore what your goals are and discuss which coaching path is right for you or your organization.


Customize Coaching Plan

We’ll work together to design the plan customized for your needs & start your sessions.


Bring Your Best Self to Work!

Lead the way, apply what you've learned, and get ready to celebrate your accomplishments.

Personal Development Is Professional Development